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Moving to PHQL

Hi guys

I'm trying to move most of my code to PHQL from native SQL, but I have troubel decoding the Docs :)

Lets say I have this simple SQL with a few joins:

SELECT m.team_a_name, m.team_b_name, m.id,ta.name,tb.name, s.id,s.ip,s.con 
FROM matches m, servers s, teams ta, teams tb 
WHERE m.start=1 AND m.team_a_name=ta.name AND m.team_b_name=tb.name AND m.server_id=s.id;

Lets say I ant to run this outside of a controller or view. If I understand I use Query like this:

$phql= new Query("SELECT m.team_a_name, m.team_b_name, m.id,ta.name,tb.name, s.id,s.ip,s.con
FROM matches AS m, servers AS s, teams AS ta, teams AS tb
WHERE m.start=1 AND m.team_a_name=ta.name AND m.team_b_name=tb.name AND m.server_id=s.id");

m.server_id belongs to s.id.

First of I'm not sure if this works since I can't get it to work as i want to. How does PHQL handle the joins or do I explicitly need to use JOIN of any kind?

Secondly in the documents frequently uses:


I fail to see the difference

Regards André


i am not expert of model manager but basiccaly you hve to register it as a service, like `this->di->setShared("modelmanager", function(){ return new ModelManager(); });

now the way i do my custom queries is:

$di = \Phalcon\Di::getDefault();

$this->DB = $di->get('db');

$sql = $this->DB->query("SELECT * FROM `_MY_TABLE_` WHERE `id` = ? AND activation_key = ?", [
  id, //param 1 basiccaly
  $key //param 2

$res = $sql->fetch();

You can write join as much as u like in this query.

you have ather methods etc.. u can check the docs but this is how I do it. Hopefully someone who uses modelsManager can post more examples.

The other thing that i use is \Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query\Builder you cna check the docs, if you need i will post examples of how I create my form with 100 fields search and so on...


This seems way more complicated that using plain SQL. Are there any major Pros of using Phalcon SQL rather than plain SQL.

If you have more complex SQL like:

SELECT M.p1, pr1.playername, M.p2, pr2.playername FROM player pr1 
   SELECT plays1.player p1, plays2.player p2, plays1.team t1 FROM plays plays1 
   INNER JOIN plays plays2 
   ON (plays1.player < plays2.player AND plays1.team = plays2.team)
   GROUP BY plays1.player, plays2.player HAVING COUNT(*) = 
((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM plays plays3 WHERE plays3.player = plays1.player) + 
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM plays plays4 WHERE plays4.player = plays2.player)) /2
) M ON pr1.playerID = M.p1 AND pr2.playerID = M.p2 
SELECT M.pid, M.pname, N.pid2, N.pname2 FROM
(SELECT p.playerID pid, p.playerName pname, pl.team FROM player p
 LEFT JOIN plays pl ON p.playerId = pl.player WHERE pl.team IS NULL) M
 (SELECT p.playerID pid2, p.playerName pname2, pl.team FROM player p
  LEFT JOIN plays pl ON p.playerId = pl.player WHERE pl.team IS NULL) N 
 ON (pid < pid2)

I currently fail to see how to implement a statement like that. And I don't see any documention on UNION at all?

edited Jan '16

@dschissler Thanks for your very informative posts :) You seem to know your PHQL. As a DBA raw sql comes easy and i'm just blind to that. But I can see that modifying the models can give you some good features.

I guess it comes down to plain understanding as usual :)

I'll keep in reading the docs and focus on the simplier queries for now. And thanks to you guys, as I have my initial PHQL from my first post, running just fine now :)

Regards André