Hi all, I want to create menu multi level and I follow the instructions at https://wizardinternetsolutions.com/articles/web-programming/dynamic-multilevel-css-menu-php-mysql
But error my query in phalcon:
Error msg: Syntax error, unexpected token (, near to 'SELECT cat_parent_id, COUNT(*) A........
This is my query. Please guide me use the above query in phalcon
$phql = 'SELECT a.cat_id, b.cat_parent_id, b.Count FROM App\Modules\Page\Models\PageCat a LEFT JOIN (SELECT cat_parent_id, COUNT(*) AS Count FROM App\Modules\Page\Models\PageCat GROUP BY cat_parent_id) b ON a.cat_id = b.cat_parent_id';
$query = $this->modelsManager->createQuery($phql);
$products = $query->execute();