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falcon installed but not showing in phpinfo.php (Mac 10.10.5 Yosemite)

Hi, Pulling my hair out with this - please can anyone help me help myself? Although not a sysadmin, I am familiar with using a Linux CLI as root. I want to instal falcon on my office Mac so that I can get to know it properly offline before developing with it.

I have OS X 10.10.5 Yosemite running Apache/2.4.16. I have installed PHP 5.6.19, MySQL 5.7.11, and phpMyAdmin Everything is running and accessible. I have a web root under my User directory and can see https://localhost/~Roy/phpinfo.php. I can access MySQL as root from the CLI (Terminal). I can import and manipulate MySQL databases through phpMyAdmin or the CLI. I can read the apache error logs at /var/log/apache2/error_log and php logging is enabled.

I installed home-brew and then installed phalcon. The only issues I get are:

/Users/Roy/cphalcon/build/64bits/phalcon.zep.c:10991:9: warning: nonnull parameter 'ce' will evaluate to 'true' on first
      encounter [-Wpointer-bool-conversion]
        while (ce) {
        ~~~~~  ^~
/Users/Roy/cphalcon/build/64bits/phalcon.zep.c:11960:7: warning: nonnull parameter 'require_path' will evaluate to
      'true' on first encounter [-Wpointer-bool-conversion]
        if (!require_path) {
/Users/Roy/cphalcon/build/64bits/phalcon.zep.c:116505:40: warning: \U used with no following hex digits; treating as '\'
      followed by identifier [-Wunicode]
        ZEPHIR_REGISTER_CLASS_EX(Phalcon\\Mvc\\Url, Exception, phalcon, mvc_url_exception, phalcon_exception_ce...
/Users/Roy/cphalcon/build/64bits/phalcon.zep.c:116808:40: warning: \U used with no following hex digits; treating as '\'
      followed by identifier [-Wunicode]
        ZEPHIR_REGISTER_CLASS_EX(Phalcon\\Mvc\\User, Component, phalcon, mvc_user_component, phalcon_di_injectab...
/Users/Roy/cphalcon/build/64bits/phalcon.zep.c:116830:40: warning: \U used with no following hex digits; treating as '\'
      followed by identifier [-Wunicode]
        ZEPHIR_REGISTER_CLASS_EX(Phalcon\\Mvc\\User, Module, phalcon, mvc_user_module, phalcon_di_injectable_ce...
/Users/Roy/cphalcon/build/64bits/phalcon.zep.c:116852:40: warning: \U used with no following hex digits; treating as '\'
      followed by identifier [-Wunicode]
        ZEPHIR_REGISTER_CLASS_EX(Phalcon\\Mvc\\User, Plugin, phalcon, mvc_user_plugin, phalcon_di_injectable_ce...
6 warnings generated.


Build complete.
Don't forget to run 'make test'.

Installing shared extensions:     /usr/local/Cellar/php56/5.6.19/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20131226/
Installing header files:           /usr/local/Cellar/php56/5.6.19/include/php/

Thanks for compiling Phalcon!
Build succeed: Please restart your web server to complete the installation

I have added 'extension=phalcon.so' to my php.ini file and ensured that this is the file being loaded by checking phpinfo.php. I have restarted apache and the Mac many times. I have re-run the installation process many times. I am getting no apache or php errors in the log. Whatever I do, I cannot get phpinfo.php to show any sign of anything to do with phalcon, nor is it listed in a print_r(get_loaded_extensions()); (see below).

Does anyone have any ideas as to what I can do to find out what the problem might be please? Do I have all the correct PHP dependancies loaded up?

    [0] => Core
    [1] => date
    [2] => ereg
    [3] => libxml
    [4] => openssl
    [5] => pcre
    [6] => sqlite3
    [7] => zlib
    [8] => bcmath
    [9] => bz2
    [10] => calendar
    [11] => ctype
    [12] => dom
    [13] => hash
    [14] => fileinfo
    [15] => filter
    [16] => ftp
    [17] => gd
    [18] => gettext
    [19] => SPL
    [20] => iconv
    [21] => json
    [22] => ldap
    [23] => mbstring
    [24] => session
    [25] => standard
    [26] => mysqlnd
    [27] => mysqli
    [28] => PDO
    [29] => pdo_mysql
    [30] => pdo_sqlite
    [31] => Phar
    [32] => posix
    [33] => Reflection
    [34] => mysql
    [35] => shmop
    [36] => SimpleXML
    [37] => soap
    [38] => sockets
    [39] => exif
    [40] => sysvmsg
    [41] => sysvsem
    [42] => sysvshm
    [43] => tidy
    [44] => tokenizer
    [45] => wddx
    [46] => xml
    [47] => xmlreader
    [48] => xmlrpc
    [49] => xmlwriter
    [50] => zip
    [51] => apache2handler
    [52] => apcu
    [53] => curl
    [54] => gmp
    [55] => igbinary
    [56] => imap
    [57] => intl
    [58] => mcrypt
    [59] => memcache
    [60] => memcached
    [61] => mongo
    [62] => mssql
    [63] => OAuth
    [64] => pdo_dblib
    [65] => pdo_pgsql
    [66] => pgsql
    [67] => propro
    [68] => raphf
    [69] => readline
    [70] => redis
    [71] => solr
    [72] => ssh2
    [73] => xhprof
    [74] => xsl
    [75] => http
    [76] => mhash
    [77] => apc
    [78] => Zend OPcache
    [79] => xdebug

edited Mar '16

And you sure that phalcon.so is in correct folder ? You obviously restarted apache ?


i think you need https://github.com/majksner/php-phalcon-mamp

I remember thying to help a person, never manage to make it work under mac no idea why

And you sure that phalcon.so is in correct folder ? You obviously restarted apache ?

I have no idea; where should it be please?

i think you need https://github.com/majksner/php-phalcon-mamp

I remember thying to help a person, never manage to make it work under mac no idea why

Thanks. That seems a bit extreme given that I have a local server environment up and running already, but if all else fails (i.e. if no other successful suggestions are made), I will certainly give it a go.

And you sure that phalcon.so is in correct folder ? You obviously restarted apache ?

mac:~/Sites# sudo find / | grep "phalcon.so"





And php is loading extensions from thos directories ?

And php is loading extensions from thos directories ?

I know nothing about homebrew, nor how php integrates with it, but I will investigate this further, thanks. This is the first time I have done anything like this on a Mac that relies on third-party extras.

And php is loading extensions from thos directories ?

I asked for help to help myself and that is exacly what you have given me - thanks :)

I checked in phpinfo.php to see where the php extensions were being loaded from - /usr/local/php5/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20131226/

I did not know if phalcon.so needed to stay inside /usr/local/Cellar/php56-phalcon/2.0.10/ for some weird 'homebrew' reason, so I added a symlink from the default extensions directory to the homebrew one: sudo ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/php56-phalcon/2.0.10/phalcon.so phalcon.so

...a quick restart of apache and all is well. Thanks again :)

edited Mar '16

You just have seperated extension direction for php cli, and php that's is working with apache i guess.