@andresgutierrez can you show me ( us ) how to debug the C code "easily" ?
my idea is lets take this issue for example https://github.com/phalcon/zephir/issues/1218
now... by digging around i can find the main function is there https://github.com/phalcon/zephir/blob/master/kernels/ZendEngine3/object.c#L1082
give me (us) a few tips, how to debug those values, how to compile this function ( or file ) only so I can test and var dump the values inside. I am sure its not that hard after someone put explanation of few lines to tell us.. hey you need to call this zephir function like this, and put this file aside and do it like this ...
and let the noobs like me suffering and trying to fix stuff they dont understand by at least I can try.
//cheers to everyone with this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPbH8DSCzag&nohtml5=False :D