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Phalcon and PSR-7 message interfaces.

Hi, I'm trying to create a new Oauth server using this library: https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server

My problem is that they are using the PSR-7 message interface, so if I want to validate a request I have to pass a ResponseInterface and a ServerRequestInterface to the validation method.

I want to know if is it possible to get such interfaces or if I need to create a new Phalcon request/response object implementing the interfaces or do something different.

Sorry I'm a complete newbie and need help on this, I'm using Phalcon v2.1.0 RC1 with PHP 7.0.5

Thanks in advance!

Just implement new response which will implement both phalcon's ResponseInterface and psr-7 responseinterface. Also you can create something like ResponseBridge which will implement only psr-7 response interface and which will return proper values from phalcon's response accesed using di.

edited Jun '16


I'm currently in the process of implementing something similar myself, and after creating a convertor method to try to do this and going down a long-winded path, their is a better way. Import Guzzle PSR7 into your project and you can instantiate a request object with a convenience method as shown:

    use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\ServerRequest;
     //in your controller action method
     $response = new PhalconResponsePSR7(); // I'm still working on this part
        try {

            // Try to respond to the access token request
            $serverRequest = ServerRequest::fromGlobals(); // instantiates a Guzzle serverRequest  from the global request vars
            echo $server->respondToAccessTokenRequest($serverRequest, $response);

        } catch (OAuthServerException $exception) {

        // All instances of OAuthServerException can be converted to a PSR-7 response

        //Create a response instance
        $presponse = new \Phalcon\Http\Response();

        //Set the content of the response

        //Return the response
        return $presponse;

    } catch (\Exception $exception) {

        // Catch unexpected exceptions
        $body = $response->getBody();
        echo $body;


This is very basic and I'm still working on the response (though that's slightly more simple I believe) but it should get you started

@TommyBs I have the same problem, please let me know when You will finish PhalconResponsePSR7


I'm currently in the process of implementing something similar myself, and after creating a convertor method to try to do this and going down a long-winded path, their is a better way. Import Guzzle PSR7 into your project and you can instantiate a request object with a convenience method as shown:

  use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\ServerRequest;
   //in your controller action method
   $response = new PhalconResponsePSR7(); // I'm still working on this part
      try {

           // Try to respond to the access token request
           $serverRequest = ServerRequest::fromGlobals(); // instantiates a Guzzle serverRequest  from the global request vars
           echo $server->respondToAccessTokenRequest($serverRequest, $response);

      } catch (OAuthServerException $exception) {

       // All instances of OAuthServerException can be converted to a PSR-7 response

       //Create a response instance
       $presponse = new \Phalcon\Http\Response();

       //Set the content of the response

       //Return the response
       return $presponse;

   } catch (\Exception $exception) {

       // Catch unexpected exceptions
       $body = $response->getBody();
       echo $body;


This is very basic and I'm still working on the response (though that's slightly more simple I believe) but it should get you started

I've created such class:

class ResponseParser extends Plugin
    public static function parse(ResponseInterface $psr7Response, \Phalcon\Http\Response $phalconResponse)
        $stream = $psr7Response->getBody();

        return $phalconResponse


I have the same problem, I use a method to convert psr7response to phalcon response

    private function convertResponse(\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $psr7Response, ResponseInterface $response): ResponseInterface
        $response->setStatusCode($psr7Response->getStatusCode(), $psr7Response->getReasonPhrase());
        foreach ($psr7Response->getHeaders() as $name => $values) {
            foreach ($values as $value) {
                $response->setHeader($name, $value);
        $body = $psr7Response->getBody();

        return $response;
