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Feedback component

I've built a Feedback component for Phalcon that I use for generating messages of failure or success that I can then easily report to the user. I found the built-in Flash and Message components too cumbersome and opinionated - but I've successfully used this component in about 4 large projects now and it works beautifully.


I suggest you follow PSR-2 (https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-2/) and make your package available via composer :)


I try it, that's nice, two lines of code later, it smoothly integrate also with my ajax handler ... note: the way you use array_filter needs PHP 5.6 at least, older php version of this function only take two arguments, you should advertise users...

I try it, that's nice, two lines of code later, it smoothly integrate also with my ajax handler ... note: the way you use array_filter needs PHP 5.6 at least, older php version of this function only take two arguments, you should advertise users...

Thanks for the tip, I'll be sure to do that.

edited May '16

I suggest you follow PSR-2 (https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-2/) and make your package available via composer :)
