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Call the correct controller from URI

I am using Micro and I don't want to instantiate all the controllers at once so I am using this:

$controller = explode('/', $app->request->getUri());

$collection = new Phalcon\Mvc\Micro\Collection();
$collection->setHandler(ucfirst($controller[1]) . 'Controller', true);
$collection->get('/', 'index');

Is there a way to get just the user from the request URI so I don't have to extract it from a string?

Also, am I doing this the right way?

instantiate all the controllers at once

But they don't, they instantiated only when need to be.

Yep, I got that completely wrong.


$collections['index'] = new Phalcon\Mvc\Micro\Collection();
$collections['index']->setHandler('IndexController', true);
$collections['index']->get('/', 'index');
$collections['users'] = new Phalcon\Mvc\Micro\Collection();
$collections['users']->setHandler('UsersController', true);
$collections['users']->get('/users', 'index');

foreach($collections as $collection)

Would you say this is a good approach?

edited Jun '16

Yea, i would use it like this. But i would defintely put this to seperated file like collections.php or routes.php.

Yea, i would use it like this. But i would defintely put this to seperated file like collections.php or routes.php.

Yes I used something like this: https://github.com/phalcon/store