Please consider this script :
use Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault\Cli as CliDi;
use Phalcon\Cli\Console as ConsoleApp;
define('APP_DIR', __DIR__);
define('ROOT_DIR', APP_DIR . '/..');
define('PLUGINS_DIR', ROOT_DIR . '/plugins');
* Read the services
$di = new CliDi();
* Include Services
include __DIR__ . '/config/services.php';
* Call the autoloader service. We don't need to keep the results.
* Get the configuration
//$config = $di->getConfig();
// extra
$di['eventsManager']->attach('console:boot', function($event, $console) {
* Create a console application
$console = new ConsoleApp($di);
* Process the console arguments
$arguments = [];
foreach ($argv as $k => $arg) {
if ($k == 1) {
$arguments['task'] = $arg;
} elseif ($k == 2) {
$arguments['action'] = $arg;
} elseif ($k >= 3) {
$arguments['params'][] = $arg;
try {
* Handle
echo PHP_EOL;
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
echo $e->getTraceAsString();
echo PHP_EOL;
Does anyone knows why the god 'test' is never displayed ? Script seems to never enter in my function.
Please help me.