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Group routes in Micro(): Approach

I want to group routes:

$userGroup = new \Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Group('user');

$app->map('/user/login', function () {
   // code...

And I retrieve the information:

// get route name
$routeName = $app->router->getMatchedRoute()->getName();
// get group name <- work , but I do not like getPaths()
$groupName = $app->router->getMatchedRoute()->getGroup()->getPaths();
//but getRoutes() NOT WORK.
$groupName = $app->router->getMatchedRoute()->getGroup()->getRoutes();

I implement something that helps to group routes, and so to separate code into different files and folders.

any ideas?


My solution:


namespace Druphal\Core;

class Route extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route
    protected $moduleName;

    public function getModuleName()
        return $this->moduleName;

    public function setModuleName($name)
        $this->moduleName = $name;
        return $this;


namespace Druphal\Core;

use Druphal\User\Auth\Exception;

class Router extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Router
    public function add($pattern, $paths = null, $httpMethods = null, $position = Router::POSITION_LAST)
        $route = new Route($pattern, $paths, $httpMethods);

        switch ($position) {
            case parent::POSITION_LAST:
                $this->_routes[] = $route;
            case parent::POSITION_FIRST:
                $this->_routes = array_merge([$route], $this->_routes);
                throw new Exception("Invalid route position");

        return $route;

in services.php

$di->setShared('router', function () {
    return new Druphal\Core\Router();

And I use:

$app->map('/user/login', function () {
     // code...

in before function:

$app->before(function () use ($app) {
    $routeName = $app->router->getMatchedRoute()->getName();
    $moduleName = $app->router->getMatchedRoute()->getModuleName();
    // logic here....
    return true;

work fine.