Is it a bug or a feature? Or I've just missed something in documentation.
For example I have an IndexController::indexAction().
If I define routes in a class extended from \Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Group then view rendering from views/index/index.phtml. Routes are mounting using Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Annotations::mount() function.
But if I use \Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Annotations::addModuleResource() to add module-related routings then views are looking in different folder. Instead of views/index/index.phtml they should be placed in views/Index/index.phtml. Controller name is capitalized.
Layout acts the same way. It should be in views/layouts/index.phtml or in views/layouts/Index.phtml, respectively.
Unfortunately, I want to use both way to define routes, as annotation and mount them to router. Is it possible?