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Can't generate table after updating developers tools

Hi! I've updated the Developer Tools to v3.

I'm trying to generate model with following code:

phalcon model --output=app/Common/Models/ --namespace="Common\Models" --extends="\Common\Models\ModelBase" --mapcolumn --name=TABLE_NAME

This works fine on DevTools v2, but now I have the following error:

Phalcon DevTools (3.0.0)

  Error: Database configuration cannot be loaded from your config file.

Any suggestion? Thanks for help.

Phalcon also updated to 3.0.x.

and if your config file is not in 'app/config.php' uses this argument:


to make known where is the config.php.


phalcon model --name=locale_source --get-set --namespace=Druphal\\Language\\Models --output=../../modules/language/src/Models/ --directory=app/default/
edited Sep '16

and if your config file is not in 'app/config.php' uses this argument:


to make known where is the config.php.


phalcon model --name=locale_source --get-set --namespace=Druphal\\Language\\Models --output=../../modules/language/src/Models/ --directory=app/default/

I've also updated the Phalcon to v3.0.0


phalcon model --output=app/Common/Models/ --namespace="Common\Models" --extends="\Common\Models\ModelBase" --mapcolumn --name=TABLE_NAME --directory=/app/Common/Config/

The same error.

not used:




you structure is:

- app
    - Common
        - config   <- lowercase

and config.php


defined('APP_PATH') || define('APP_PATH', realpath('../..'));

return new \Phalcon\Config([
    'database' => [
        'adapter' => 'Postgresql',
        'host' => 'localhost',
        'username' => 'xerron',
        'password' => 'root',
        'dbname' => 'db_uwu'

    // ...etc...