these code can run my own mac ,but in ubuntu get some error?
ErrorException: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() /Form.php (376) BacktraceRequestServerIncluded FilesMemoryVariables
0 unknown
/Form.php (376) }
public function initializeFormAnnotations()
$reader = new Annotations();
$formProperties = $reader->getProperties(get_class($this));
foreach ($formProperties as $key => $property) {
//$formProperty = isset($formProperties[$key]) ? $formProperties[$key] : null;
$element = $this->createElementByProperty($key, $property);
if ($element && $element instanceof ElementInterface) {
The Code:
namespace Eva\EvaEngine;
use Eva\EvaEngine\Exception\StandardException; use Eva\EvaEngine\Forms\FormMiddleWareInterface; use Phalcon\Annotations\Collection as Property; use Phalcon\Mvc\Model as PhalconModel; use Phalcon\Annotations\Adapter\Memory as Annotations; use Phalcon\Forms\ElementInterface; use Phalcon\Http\Response;
class Form extends \Phalcon\Forms\Form { /**
@var string */ protected $prefix;
@var */ protected $exclude;
@var */ protected $model;
@var */ protected $values = [];
@var */ protected $formset;
@var */ protected $relationKey;
@var Form */ protected $parentForm;
@var string */ protected $defaultModelClass;
@var bool */ protected $initializedWithModel = false;
@var array */ protected $rawPostData = array();
@var array */ protected $elementAlias = array( 'check' => 'Phalcon\Forms\Element\Check', 'date' => 'Phalcon\Forms\Element\Date', 'email' => 'Phalcon\Forms\Element\Email', 'file' => 'Phalcon\Forms\Element\File', 'hidden' => 'Phalcon\Forms\Element\Hidden', 'numeric' => 'Phalcon\Forms\Element\Numeric', 'number' => 'Phalcon\Forms\Element\Numeric', 'password' => 'Phalcon\Forms\Element\Password', 'select' => 'Phalcon\Forms\Element\Select', 'submit' => 'Phalcon\Forms\Element\Submit', 'text' => 'Phalcon\Forms\Element\Text', 'textarea' => 'Phalcon\Forms\Element\TextArea', );
@var array */ protected $validatorAlias = array( 'between' => 'Phalcon\Validation\Validator\Between', 'confirmation' => 'Phalcon\Validation\Validator\Confirmation', 'email' => 'Phalcon\Validation\Validator\Email', 'exclusionin' => 'Phalcon\Validation\Validator\ExclusionIn', 'exclusion' => 'Phalcon\Validation\Validator\ExclusionIn', 'identical' => 'Phalcon\Validation\Validator\Identical', 'inclusionin' => 'Phalcon\Validation\Validator\InclusionIn', 'inclusion' => 'Phalcon\Validation\Validator\InclusionIn', 'presenceof' => 'Phalcon\Validation\Validator\PresenceOf', 'regex' => 'Phalcon\Validation\Validator\Regex', 'stringlength' => 'Phalcon\Validation\Validator\StringLength', );
@var FormMiddlewareInterface */ protected $middleware;
public function getMiddleware() { return $this->middleware; }
public function setMiddleware(FormMiddleWareInterface $middleware) { $this->middleware = $middleware;
return $this;
public function getRelationKey() { return $this->relationKey; }
public function setRelationKey($key) { $this->relationKey = $key;
return $this;
public function getDefaultModelClass() { return $this->defaultModelClass; }
public function setDefaultModelClass($model) { $this->defaultModelClass = $model;
return $this;
public function setParentForm($form) { $this->parentForm = $form;
return $this;
public function getParentForm() { return $this->parentForm; }
public function getRawPostData() { return $this->rawPostData; }
public function setRawPostData($data) { $this->rawPostData = $data;
return $this;
- @deprecated need to fix under phalcon2
- @param string $name
@return mixed */ public function getValue($name) { return parent::getValue($name); }
public function getValues() { return $this->values; }
public function setValues(array $data) { if (!$data) { return $this; } foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if ($this->has($key)) { $this->get($key)->setDefault($value); } } $this->values = $data;
return $this;
public function setPrefix($prefix) { $this->prefix = $prefix; if (!$this->model) { return $this; }
/* $elements = $this->_elements; foreach ($elements as $key => $element) { $element->setName($prefix . '[' . $element->getName() . ']'); } */ return $this;
public function getPrefix() { return $this->prefix; }
public function setExclude($exclude) { $this->exclude = $exclude;
return $this;
public function getExclude() { return $this->exclude; }
public function getFormset() { return $this->formset; }
public function setFormset($formset) { $this->formset = $formset;
return $this;
public function getFullMessages() { if (!$this->formset) { return $this->getMessages(); }
$messages = $this->getMessages(); foreach ($this->formset as $key => $form) { if ($subForm = $this->getForm($key)) { $messages->appendMessages($subForm->getMessages()); } } return $messages;
public function getForm($formKey) { if (!isset($this->formset[$formKey])) { return false; }
$form = $this->formset[$formKey]; $form->initializeWithModel(); return $form;
public function setModel(PhalconModel $model, $autoParse = true) { $this->model = $model; $this->setEntity($model); $reader = new Annotations(); $modelProperties = $reader->getProperties(get_class($model)); $formProperties = $reader->getProperties(get_class($this)); foreach ($modelProperties as $key => $property) { //already added in initialize if ($this->has($key)) { continue; } $formProperty = isset($formProperties[$key]) ? $formProperties[$key] : null; $element = $this->createElementByProperty($key, $property, $formProperty); if ($element) { $this->add($element); } } $this->afterSetModel();
return $this;
public function afterSetModel() { //callback }
public function isFullValid($data = null, $entity = null) { $data = $data ?: $this->values; $this->setRawPostData($data);
if (!$this->formset) { $entity = $entity ? $entity : $this->model; return $this->isValid($data, $entity); } $formCount = count($this->formset); $validResult = 0; foreach ($this->formset as $key => $subForm) { $form = $this->getForm($key); if (isset($data[$key])) { if ($form->isValid($data[$key], $form->getModel())) { $validResult++; } } else { $validResult++; } } $this->bind($data, $this->getModel()); if ($this->isValid($data, $this->getModel())) { $validResult++; } return $validResult === $formCount + 1 ? true : false;
public function save($modelSaveMethod = 'save') { if (!$model = $this->model) { return $this; }
if ($this->formset) { foreach ($this->formset as $relationKey => $subForm) { $relationModel = $this->getModel($relationKey); if ($model) { $model->$relationKey = $relationModel; } } } $model->setModelForm($this); if ($modelSaveMethod == 'save') { if (!$model->save()) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException(get_class($model) . ' save failed'); } return $model; } else { return $model->$modelSaveMethod($this->getRawPostData()); }
public function initializeFormAnnotations() { $reader = new Annotations(); $formProperties = $reader->getProperties(get_class($this));
foreach ($formProperties as $key => $property) { //$formProperty = isset($formProperties[$key]) ? $formProperties[$key] : null; $element = $this->createElementByProperty($key, $property); if ($element && $element instanceof ElementInterface) { $this->add($element); } } return $this;
public function registerElementAlias($elementAlias, $elementClass) { $this->elementAlias[$elementAlias] = $elementClass;
return $this;
public function getElementAlias() { return $this->elementAlias; }
public function getModel($modelName = null) { if (!$modelName) { return $this->model; }
//Get model from subform when model name not null if ($this->getForm($modelName)) { return $this->getForm($modelName)->getModel(); } return $this->model;
public function render($name, $attributes = null) { $element = $this->get($name); $element = $this->middleware ? $this->middleware->pipeElement($element) : $element; $attributes = $attributes ? (array)$attributes : [];
if (!$this->prefix) { return parent::render($element->getName(), array_merge($element->getAttributes(), $attributes)); } $attributes = array_merge( $element->getAttributes(), [ 'name' => $this->prefix . '[' . $element->getName() . ']', ], $attributes ); return parent::render($name, $attributes);
- Simple usage
- $userForm->addForm('Profile', 'Eva\EvaUser\Forms\ProfileForm');
- Full usage
- $userForm->addForm('Profile', array( 'form' => 'Eva\EvaUser\Forms\ProfileForm', 'relationKey' => 'Profile', 'relation' => 'hasOne', 'relationModel' => 'Eva\EvaUser\Models\Profile', ));
*/ public function addForm($prefix, $formOptions) { if (is_string($formOptions)) { $formClass = new $formOptions(); } else { $formClass = isset($formOptions['form']) ? new $formOptions['form']() : null; }
if (!($formClass instanceof Form)) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException( sprintf('Add formset failed by incorrect form class instance %s', $prefix) ); }
- $formClass->setPrefix($prefix);
- $relationKey =
- is_array($formOptions)
- && isset($formOptions['relationKey'])
- ? $formOptions['relationKey']
- $prefix; $formClass->setRelationKey($relationKey); $relationModel = is_array($formOptions) && isset($formOptions['relationModel']) ? $formOptions['relationModel']
- null; if ($relationModel) { $formClass->setDefaultModelClass($relationModel); }
$this->formset[$prefix] = $formClass; $formClass->setParentForm($this);
return $this; }
public function initializeWithModel() { if ($this->initializedWithModel || !$this->parentForm || !$this->relationKey) { return $this; }
$relationKey = $this->relationKey; $model = $this->parentForm->getModel(); if (isset($model->$relationKey) && $model->$relationKey) { $this->setModel($model->$relationKey); } else { $defaultModelClass = $this->getDefaultModelClass(); if (!$defaultModelClass || false == class_exists($defaultModelClass)) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException( sprintf('Form connected to incorrect model %s', $defaultModelClass) ); } $this->setModel(new $defaultModelClass()); } $this->initializedWithModel = true; return $this;
protected function createElementByProperty($elementName, Property $baseProperty, Property $mergeProperty = null) { $elementType = 'Phalcon\Forms\Element\Text'; if (!$baseProperty && !$mergeProperty) { return new $elementType($elementName); }
$property = $mergeProperty && $mergeProperty->has('Type') ? $mergeProperty : $baseProperty; if ($property->has('Type')) { $typeArguments = $property->get('Type')->getArguments(); $alias = isset($typeArguments[0]) ? strtolower($typeArguments[0]) : null; $elementType = isset($this->elementAlias[$alias]) ? $this->elementAlias[$alias] : $elementType; } $property = $mergeProperty && $mergeProperty->has('Name') ? $mergeProperty : $baseProperty; if ($property->has('Name')) { $arguments = $property->get('Name')->getArguments(); $elementName = isset($arguments[0]) ? $arguments[0] : $elementName; } $element = new $elementType($elementName); $property = $mergeProperty && $mergeProperty->has('Attr') ? $mergeProperty : $baseProperty; if ($property->has('Attr')) { $element->setAttributes($property->get('Attr')->getArguments()); } $addValidator = function ($property, $element, $validatorAlias) { foreach ($property as $annotation) { if ($annotation->getName() != 'Validator') { continue; } $arguments = $annotation->getArguments(); if (!isset($arguments[0])) { continue; } $validatorName = strtolower($arguments[0]); if (!isset($validatorAlias[$validatorName])) { continue; } $validator = $validatorAlias[$validatorName]; $element->addValidator(new $validator($arguments)); } return $element; }; if ($baseProperty->has('Validator')) { $element = $addValidator($baseProperty, $element, $this->validatorAlias); } if ($mergeProperty && $mergeProperty->has('Validator')) { $element = $addValidator($mergeProperty, $element, $this->validatorAlias); } $addFilter = function ($property, $element) { foreach ($property as $annotation) { if ($annotation->getName() != 'Filter') { continue; } $arguments = $annotation->getArguments(); if (!isset($arguments[0])) { continue; } $filterName = strtolower($arguments[0]); $element->addFilter($filterName); } return $element; }; if ($baseProperty->has('Filter')) { $element = $addFilter($baseProperty, $element); } if ($mergeProperty && $mergeProperty->has('Filter')) { $element = $addFilter($mergeProperty, $element); } $property = $mergeProperty && $mergeProperty->has('Options') ? $mergeProperty : $baseProperty; if ($property->has('Options')) { $element->setAttributes($property->get('Options')->getArguments()); } $addOption = function ($property, $element) { $options = array(); foreach ($property as $annotation) { if ($annotation->getName() != 'Option') { continue; } $options += $annotation->getArguments(); } $element->setOptions($options); return $element; }; if ($baseProperty->has('Option')) { $element = $addOption($baseProperty, $element); } if ($mergeProperty && $mergeProperty->has('Option')) { $element = $addOption($mergeProperty, $element); } return $element;
} }