I have found another bug with migrations in 3.0.1 (Running phalcon 3.0.1 as well PHP 5.6). I am generating for a given table, it runs generates the new version folder (in this case 1.0.8) and addes the migraiton files, but in the migration file class name has _107 appened and not_108.
Phalcon DevTools (3.0.1)
1474643776.3527: DESCRIBE .
=> 1474643776.3553 (0.0025978088378906) 1474643776.3559: SHOW INDEXES FROM .blogs
=> 1474643776.3563 (0.00039196014404297) Blah blah hereSuccess: Version 1.0.8 was successfully generated
Obvisouly its an easy fix, i just rename the 107 to 108, but it would be nice if it worked!