Hi, I have a question about if and how it is possibile to extend cache lifetime of view. Supposing to have defined a cache in services:
$frontCache = new Phalcon\Cache\Frontend\Output(array(
"lifetime" => 120
//File backend settings
$cache = new Phalcon\Cache\Backend\File($frontCache, array(
"cacheDir" => __DIR__."/../cache/",
"prefix" => "php-"
and supposing to cache a content with:
$this->view->cache(array("lifetime" => 300, "key" => 'hp'));
I'd like to know if it is possibile to extend the duration of 300 seconds. In good situation after 300 seconds I should create the new content quering backend but the query could fail and in this situation I 'd like to use the old content of cache. Is it possible? Thanks