Nikos and I had been discussing possibly having a time where Phalcon Developers (not just core developers, but anybody using Phalcon) could get together in one place, perhaps Google Hangouts, to discuss current Phalcon issues as well as the future of Phalcon and any other discussion that comes up.
We could pick any weekend as long as it is convenient for both North America/South America Phalconers and Europe/Asia Phalconers in terms of time. It seems the most appropriate time would the morning on a Saturday or Sunday North American time which would be the evening for Europe/Asia.
If you would be interested in attending such a hangout, post back in this thread letting us know your potential availability. If this hangout is a success, it might be worth doing weekly or every other week hangouts to chat about Phalcon and exchange ideas. The Phalcon community is growing and now that the port to Zephir is well in motion, it won't be long before the community gets larger and more active in terms of contributions (since Zephir will be in play). Community hangouts will be a solid way to strengthen the community.
Look forward to hearing your thoughts.