Hi, what im trying to acomplish is something like this:
i have the directory structure App root, has two childs folders, common and modules.
Module folder and two modules, Module A, Module B, each module has his respective views, layouts folders
Common folder has layouts, and views folders.
e.g: if phalcon looks for /app/module/moduleA/views/foo.volt and is not found, looks for /app/common/views/foo.volt
I do that overriding the render method from Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt
It works so good, except for layouts, if i put a name that do not exist in moduleA/layout do not pass render method, and cant look for the common one because of that.
I dont know how to handle this problem, any clues will be appreciated.
If you have some disgusting time reading this text because of grammar, sorry im not english native.