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Concatenate columns using SQLite

I can't figure how to concatenate two columns in find conditions using Sqlite operator:

Model::find(['conditions' => "[name] || ' ' || [surname] LIKE :value:", 'bind' => ['value' => 'name surname']]);

That code always trhows Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Exception Scanner: unknown opcode 402.


Probably it is not implemented by PHQL

Well you can always do just AND :)


After some research solved using CONCAT_WS (MySQL syntax) in conditions and extending Sqlite Dialect class:

class Sqlite extends \Phalcon\Db\Dialect\Sqlite
    public function getSqlExpression(array $expression, $escapeChar = null, $bindCounts = null)
        if ('functionCall' === $expression['type']) {
            switch (strtoupper($expression['name'])) {
                case 'CONCAT_WS':
                    return $this->getFunctionConcatWs($expression, $escapeChar, $bindCounts);

        return parent::getSqlExpression($expression, $escapeChar, $bindCounts);

    protected function getFunctionConcatWs(array $expression, $escapeChar = null, $bindCounts = null): string
        $sql = '';
        $count = count($expression['arguments']);

        if (true !== $count >= 2) {
            throw new Exception('CONCAT_WS requires 2 or more parameters');

        if (2 === $count) {
            return $this->getSqlExpression($expression['arguments'][1]);

        $separator = array_shift($expression['arguments']);

        foreach ($expression['arguments'] as $argument) {
            $sql .= $this->getSqlExpression($argument);
            if (0 !== --$count) {
                $sql .= ' || ' . $this->getSqlExpression($separator) . ' || ';

        return $sql;


Model::find(['conditions' => "CONCAT_WS(' ', [name], [surname]) LIKE :value:", 'bind' => ['value' => 'name surname']]);

Well it's good idea to make PR with CONCAT_WS for sqlite dialect :)