Hi, I'm recently was using the Phalcon Micro without problem, on my API I use Mongodb, when I need to save, update, find, etc I was using the Mongo PHP Extension without problem, right now I want to learn more I and decided to use Phalcon ODM, but right now I was unable to save an array to my mongo collection.
Here is my current simple code:
//Unable to save data.
$photo = array("url" => "https://xxx", "name" => "Nice", "catalog" => array("name" => "TC", "id" => 2 ));
$photos = new photos;
// Can save data using this pattern
$photos = new photos;
$photos->url = "http//xxx";
$photos->name = "Nice";
$photos->catalog = array("name" => "TC", "id" => 2 );
I'm missing something because using the php mongo extension can save the array without problem.
Thank you in advance!