Hi, Any body have integrate Jquery Datatables?
Mar '18 |
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Hi, take a look at https://github.com/lampjunkie/php-datatables I've used this for my last project. It works ok, but the architecture of the component isn't very nice.
Next time I would integrate DataTables with templates (client-side JS) and the server-side (REST calls) is nothing else than a DB query.
@l-e-X i've tried https://github.com/lampjunkie/php-datatables actually i am new to phalcon and try to use Phalcon in my projects but i was stacked when the project need jquery datatables integration so i am back to laravel and codeingniter. :D but Phalcon always on my head ;-)
@quasipickle here are laravel integration https://github.com/Chumper/datatable https://github.com/bllim/laravel4-datatables-package
and here is codeigniter integration https://github.com/IgnitedDatatables/Ignited-Datatables/
Currently i worked with DataTables in one of my projects. And that's it, a Phalcon DataTables component - https://github.com/m1ome/phalcon-datatables. Currently not all DataTables features support, and it's not covered by any test suite's, but i will work for it!
it seems to me, or you have taken from the database all the data, and front-end displays have by limits? If so, then your adapter will harm performance at larger tables.
Currently i worked with DataTables in one of my projects. And that's it, a Phalcon DataTables component - https://github.com/m1ome/phalcon-datatables. Currently not all DataTables features support, and it's not covered by any test suite's, but i will work for it!
This adapther have 3 ways to get data from DB:
In 1 there were be query builded to fetch all data (with limit and so on). In 2 some DB's like Postgres will use a iterators and will stop when it should, and not grab all data from DB to memory. Only in 3 way all data will store at memory array.
And in conclusion - no, my adapter not fetch all data from DB. It have a choice for user and only user use way they want.
it seems to me, or you have taken from the database all the data, and front-end displays have by limits? If so, then your adapter will harm performance at larger tables.
Currently i worked with DataTables in one of my projects. And that's it, a Phalcon DataTables component - https://github.com/m1ome/phalcon-datatables. Currently not all DataTables features support, and it's not covered by any test suite's, but i will work for it!
Павел, спасибо за ответ. Просто мне наверно так показалось из Ваших примеров в .README я даже сделал логирование ф-ии count у resultset. и в любом случае (при начальной загрузки или при пагинации) в логах всегда было полное кол-во записей в таблице бд. Но возможно это по неопытности что-то не понимаю.
Спасибо за ответ.