Beginner Question: I'm trying to add icons before the text links for a nav i'm building - but struggling to do this using the framework - can anyone point me in the right direction? This works just to have the text and links, but say I want to add a small image before each value when the link is generated?
Thanks in advance
{%- set menus = [
'HOME': 'home/index',
'ALERTS': 'home/alerts',
'SUPPORT': 'home/support',
'CHAT': 'home/chat',
'BANANA': 'home/banana'
] -%}
{%- for key, value in menus %}
{% if value == dispatcher.getControllerName() ~ "/" ~ dispatcher.getActionName() %}
<li class="active">{{ link_to(value, key) }}</li>
{% else %}
<li>{{ link_to(value, key) }}</li>
{% endif %}
{%- endfor -%}