Hi, im with problem for configure Nginx with Phalcon in subfolder and many phalcon projects.
Phalcon is in / var/etc/cmphalcon, being public in /var/www/cmphalcon/public.
When you enter the address mysite.com/cmphalcon, load this application and when it is another address, will load another Phalcon project.
Current setting:
root /var/www/;
index index.php index.html index.htm;
location @phalcon {
rewrite ^/cmphalcon/public(.+)$ /cmphalcon/public/index.php?_url=$1 last;
location /cmphalcon/ {
index index.php;
if ($uri !~ ^/cmphalcon/public) {
rewrite ^/cmphalcon(.*)$ /cmphalcon/public$1;
try_files $uri $uri/ @phalcon;
It has worked, but it is with the / at the end of the address, generating in the internal links of the application //, I would like help in the configuration and if it has how to remove the / final that is in the URL.
Thankful, Felipo Antonoff.