Thank for help me !
(1) I want rewrite url to
url product stored in slug table [request_url - product_id - controller]
Eg: -> this called module frontend , controller product, action index & param product_id = 10 -> this called module backend , controller product, action edit & param product_id = 10
(2) This is content of Db model extends Phalcon Model

and this is content of Slug Model extends Db model

I call getSlug in Slug model then return error "Unknown method fetchOne on line 29 in Db model"
But i call function fetchOne from Db model ( (new Db)->fetchOne($sql) ) -> return true
Why ???
I want config my project set router from database
Can you explain what you exactly want to achieve ? Give us an example
i want buid custom DB function used for other model files
Create a BaseModel class, where you will put all your custom methods. Extend all your models from that BaseModel class