Hi, I'm trying the paginator but getPaginate() method is not working!! My instance is EC2 from ElasticBeanstalk in VPC ,Amazon Linux, apache2.4., php5.5., phalcon1.2.6
$builder = $this->modelsManager->createBuilder()
->columns('id, name')
>$paginator = new Phalcon\Paginator\Adapter\QueryBuilder(array(
"builder" => $builder,
"limit"=> 20,
"page" => 1
$page = $paginator->getPaginate();
i did get this error:
[core:notice] [pid 2090] AH00052: child pid 690 exit signal Illegal instruction (4)
I tried phalcon "1.2.4" , "1.2.5" and "2.0.0", but error is still there
please help me....