Good afternoon, trying to include this library for use in DOMPDF Phalcon views. I've checked the directory where the library, but can not find the class. Can anyone help me solve this? Thanks in Advance you very much. This did this / public / index.php
$ config = new Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Ini(__DIR__ . '/app/config/config.ini');
/ / Register an autoloader
$ loader = new \ Phalcon \ Loader ();
$ loader-> registerDirs (
array (
__DIR__. $ config-> application-> controllersDir,
__DIR__. $ config-> application-> pluginsDir,
__DIR__. $ config-> application-> libraryDir,
__DIR__. $ config-> application-> modelsDir,
__DIR__. $ config-> application-> libraryDir. "pdf /", / / Add the folder for the PDF Dom
__DIR__. $ config-> application-> libraryDir. "pdf / include /"
__DIR__. $ config-> application-> libraryDir. "pdf / lib /"
) -> register ();