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Phalcon 1.2.6 beforeExecuteRoute interrupt

Hi everyone! I have a question: how can I stop/interrupt beforeExecuteRoute handling? It is always continue handling and run the action. Example:

    //Base controller for some actions
    class AController extends BaseController
        public function beforeExecuteRoute($dispatcher)
            $action = $this->dispatcher->getActionName();
            if ($action !== 'token') {
                $this->token = $this->dispatcher->getParam('token');
                if (!$this->token || !$this->isAvailableToken($this->token)) {
                    $this->response->setStatusCode(401, "Unauthorized");
                    $this->response->setContentType('application/json', 'UTF-8');
                        'status'  => 401,
                        'message' => 'Your token in not available',
                        'token'   => '',
                    return $this->response->send(); //does not work, continue to run action

                    //return false; //does not work, continue to run action
                    //return $this->response->redirect('api/auth'); //work but It is not my case

                    //return $this->response->send();
                    //exit; //work, but is not best solution
            return true;

    class WController extends AController {
        public function beforeExecuteRoute($dispatcher) {
            //I do not want to run this, parent beforeExecuteRoute have to be interrupted
            * some logic here

        public function indexAction()
            echo 'it will be called';
edited Mar '14

Hi, try this:

class AController extends BaseController 
    public function onConstruct() //onConstruct is call even if action method isn't exist
        $action = $this->dispatcher->getActionName();
        if ($action !== 'token') 
            // whatever
edited Mar '14

My actions do exist, and I have a handler for notFound and this logic works perfect. I have an issue with: after beforeExecuteRoute() processed it call action anyway. I can do exit; but it is not a good way, then if I try to use return $this->response->send(); or return $this->response->redirect('api/auth'); it does not work. I made a more elegant solution:

    //parent class
    class ParentController extends Controller
        public function beforeExecuteRoute($dispatcher)
            //do check for token
            if ($token) {
                return true;
            return false;

    class ChildController extends ParentController
        public function beforeExecuteRoute($dispatcher)
            $before = parent::beforeExecuteRoute($dispatcher);
            if ($before) {
                //do some logic
            return $before;

This solution takes us control for each nested level action calling.


onConstruct() is executed everytime before initialize() is called, if action exist or not.
you can use parent::onConstruct() too

Oh, now I understand, thanks for Your response!