Hi there,
I am writing my own website, which is based on Phalcon Website project and I am using database as a source of the data.
I am implementing blog with posts and tags.
So each post can have many tags and each tag can be attached to multiple posts. So we have here many-to-many relationship.
I would like to know if there is a way to order tags alphabetically?
My code in Volt look like:
{% for _tags2post in _post.Tags2Posts %}
{% if _tagIndex > 0 %},{% endif %}
<a href="{{ language }}/{{ locale.translate('tags') }}/{{ _tags2post.tags.slug }}">
{{ _tags2post.tags.name }}
{% set _tagIndex = _tagIndex + 1 %}
{% endfor %}
And one more question: how to higlight Volt code in this forum?