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Phalcon micro app routes regex pattern (all except words)

Asked same question at stackoverflow. Thought it makes sense to ask here.

Im lost with the phalcon regex routes pattern.

I want to get the id (f.e.)


So id can be anything but count and find.

Usually you get this via a path /foo/{id}

But i need a pattern to exclude the words find and count.

Example code

class EntityController extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Controller
    public function get($id)
        return $this->response->setStatusCode(200, "OK")
            ->setContent("TEST: get entity by id {$id}")

    public function count()
        return $this->response->setStatusCode(200, "OK")
            ->setContent("TEST: count entities")

    public function find()
        return $this->response->setStatusCode(200, "OK")
            ->setContent("TEST: find entities")

$app = new \Phalcon\Mvc\Micro();
    function () use ($app) {
        $app->response->setStatusCode(404, 'Not Found');
        $message = 'Route Not Found';

$entities = new \Phalcon\Mvc\Micro\Collection();
$entities->setHandler(new EntityController());
$entities->get('/bom/count', 'count');
$entities->get('/bom/find', 'find');

// usually search by id (does not work)
// $entities->get('/bom/{id}', 'get');

// does not work with /123c (c is in "count")
// $entities->get('/bom/{id:[^count|find]+}', 'get');

// should actually work (as of PHP regex) but does not
$entities->get('/bom/{id:^(?!^count$|^find$).+}', 'get');

// Tests
// curl -v url/bom/count
// TEST: count entities

// curl -v url/bom/find
// TEST: find entities

// curl -v url/bom/abc123
// Route Not Found

The pattern ^(?!^count$|^find$).+} works with PHP.

PHP Pattern Test

$format = "%-20s%-20s%-20s\r\n";
echo sprintf(
    "Does match",
    "Expect match"
$pattern = "^(?!^count$|^find$).+";
foreach (
        'sku'       => true,
        'count'     => false,
        'find'      => false,
        'countfind' => true,
        'findcount' => true,
        'skucount'  => true,
        'skufind'   => true,
        'countsku'  => true,
        'findsku'   => true,
        'coun'      => true,
        'fin'       => true,
        'ount'      => true,
        'ind'       => true,
        'skucoun'   => true,
        'skufin'    => true,
        'finsku'    => true,
        'counsku'   => true,
    ] as $subject => $expectMatch
) {

    $matches = [];
    $doesMatch = preg_match("/{$pattern}/", $subject, $matches);
    echo sprintf(
        var_export($expectMatch, true)

// Subject             Does match          Expect match
// sku                 1                   true
// count               0                   false
// find                0                   false
// countfind           1                   true
// findcount           1                   true
// skucount            1                   true
// skufind             1                   true
// countsku            1                   true
// findsku             1                   true
// coun                1                   true
// fin                 1                   true
// ount                1                   true
// ind                 1                   true
// skucoun             1                   true
// skufin              1                   true
// finsku              1                   true
// counsku             1                   true

What am i missing here?

edited Feb '18




I checked what phalcon used as compiled pattern:

foreach ($app->getRouter()->getRoutes() as $route) {
    file_put_contents('tmp/_test.log', var_export($route->getCompiledPattern(), true) . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);



became to


And i think as Leyff da (at stack) mentioned the ^ is the problem.

Example of a /foo/bar/ -path:


becomes to


Pattern break down:

#                                       delimiter
    ^                                   start of string
        \/foo\/bar\/                    path
        \/*                             possible multiple slashes before id like "foo/bar///id123"
            (                           capture id
                    ?!                  negative lookahead
                    count               string
                        $               end of string (to not match f.e. counts, count1, ...)
                    |                   or
                    find                string
                        $               end of string (to not match f.e. finds, find1, ...)
                [^\/\r\n\t]+            do not capture slashes, tab or new line after id
        \/*                             possible multiple slashes after id like "foo/bar/id123///"
    $                                   end of string
#                                       delimiter
u                                       unicode