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How to use files that have only php functions in phalcon?

How to use files that have only php functions in phalcon?

I tried to register in my module with the example available in the phalcon documentation

// Register some files

$ loader-> registerFiles (





But I did not succeed. The php file is in the library folder.

The project has the following folder structure:

--- Apps

---- / Backend

-------------- / controller

-------------- / views

-------------- / models

-------------- / Module.php

-------------- / library / funcoes.inc.php

--- public

-------- etc......

I just include them like the vendor/autoloader for composer. standard PHP

Loader is required for class, namespaces loading as defined in https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-4/. If you want to load some specific function, you should include it manually as Trent Ramseyer said.