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Problem with Checkbox

I'm using Phalcon\Forms\Element\Check in my project which is used in forms. But the checkbox always has the value 1. So if I uncheck the checkbox this has no effect.

The database field is an int(1)

The form object code looks like this

// Delivered
        $delivered = new Check(
            // [
            //     "value" => 1,
            // ]
        $delivered->setLabel("Delivered (Yes/No)");

And iside the model the field is defined as

     * @var integer
     * @Column(type="integer", length=1, nullable=true)
    protected $delivered;

The field in HTML is rendered like:

<div class="form-group">
          <label for="delivered" class="col-sm-3 control-label">Delivered (Yes/No)</label>                           
<div class="col-sm-9">
        <input type="checkbox" id="delivered" name="delivered" value="1" checked="checked">                            

What am I missing?

edited Jun '18

When you create the Form instance, do you pass in the model entity?



It should be connected, because al other types of fields work well and can be updated. Below is the full form object.


namespace PhalconTime\Forms;

use Phalcon\Forms\Form;
use Phalcon\Forms\Element\Text;
use Phalcon\Forms\Element\TextArea;
use Phalcon\Forms\Element\Hidden;
use Phalcon\Forms\Element\Select;
use Phalcon\Forms\Element\Date;
use Phalcon\Forms\Element\Check;
use Phalcon\Validation\Validator\Email;
use Phalcon\Validation\Validator\PresenceOf;
use Phalcon\Validation\Validator\Regex;
use Phalcon\Forms\Element\Numeric;

use PhalconTime\Models\Client;
use PhalconTime\Models\ClientContact;
use PhalconTime\Models\PriceType;
use PhalconTime\Models\ProjectStatus;

class ProjectForm extends Form
     * Initialize the project form
     * @param mixed $entity
     * @param array $options
    public function initialize($entity = null, $options = [])

        if (isset($options['edit']) && $options['edit'] === TRUE) {
            $id = new Hidden(
                "id", [
                    "class" => "hidden",

        // Project status
        $projectStatus = new Select('project_status_id', ProjectStatus::find(), [
            'using'      => ['id', 'name'],
            'useEmpty'   => true,
            'emptyText'  => 'Select project status',
            'emptyValue' => '',
            'class'      => 'form-control',
                new PresenceOf(
                        "message" => "Selecting a project status is required",

        // Client
        $client = new Select('client_id', Client::find(), [
            'using'      => ['id', 'name'],
            'useEmpty'   => true,
            'emptyText'  => 'Select a client',
            'emptyValue' => '',
            'class'      => 'form-control',
                new PresenceOf(
                        "message" => "Selecting a client is required",

        // Client contact
        $clientContact = new Select('client_contact_id', ClientContact::find(["columns" => "id, CONCAT(firstname, ' ', addition, ' ', lastname) as fullname"]), [
            'using'      => ['id', 'fullname'],
            'useEmpty'   => true,
            'emptyText'  => 'Select a client contact',
            'emptyValue' => '',
            'class'      => 'form-control',
        $clientContact->setLabel('Client contact');
                new PresenceOf(
                        "message" => "Selecting a client contact is required",

        // Client purchase numer
        $clientPurchaseNumber = new Text(
                "placeholder" => "Purchase number",
                "class"       => "form-control",
        $clientPurchaseNumber->setLabel("Purchase number");

        // Project status
        $priceType = new Select('price_type_id', PriceType::find(), [
            'using'      => ['id', 'name'],
            'useEmpty'   => true,
            'emptyText'  => 'Select price type',
            'emptyValue' => '',
            'class'      => 'form-control',
        $priceType->setLabel('Price type');
                new PresenceOf(
                        "message" => "Selecting a price type is required",

        // Price type value
        $priceTypeValue = new Numeric(
                "placeholder" => "0.01 (ex VAT amount)",
                "class"       => "form-control",
                "min"         => "0.01",
                "step"        => "0.01",
                //"pattern"     => "\d*", // if integer only
        $priceTypeValue->setLabel("Price type value");
                new PresenceOf(
                        "message" => "Price type value is required",

        // Estimated time
        $estimatedTime = new Numeric(
                "placeholder" => "0.25 (per 15 minutes)",
                "class"       => "form-control",
                "min"         => "0.25",
                "step"        => "0.25",
                //"pattern"     => "\d*", // if integer only
        $estimatedTime->setLabel("Estimated time");

        // Name
        $name = new Text(
                "placeholder" => "Name",
                "class"       => "form-control",
                new PresenceOf(
                        "message" => "Name is required",

        // Field description
        $note = new TextArea(
                "placeholder" => "Description",
                "class"       => "form-control",
                "id"          => "textarea",

        // Delivery date
        $deliveryDate = new Date(
                "class" => "form-control",
        $deliveryDate->setLabel("Delivery date");

        // Delivered
        $delivered = new Check(
            // [
            //     "value" => 1,
            // ]
        $delivered->setLabel("Delivered (Yes/No)");

        // Delivered date
        $deliveredDate = new Date(
                "class" => "form-control",
        $deliveredDate->setLabel("Delivered date");




And if you are looking for the context, this is the repository: https://github.com/Videles/PhalconTime

edited Jul '18

As i see you use the method to validate and assign the Data to the Project $form->isValid($data, $project)

The Problem with checkboxes is that the Post entry delivered will not be sent if the checkbox is not clicked. So maybe the value 0 isn't assigned because the property name delivered does not exists in the post data.

I'm not sure how phalcon handles it internal.

Try this:

 // This is where you fetch the POST data
 $data       = $this->request->getPost();

 // If the index 'delivered' isn't available, then that means the checkbox was not checked.
 if (!isset($data['delivered'])) {
    $data['delivered'] = 0;

 if (!$form->isValid($data, $project)) {


Picked up some other work first so took a bit before i could check it out. Thanks for the help. Seems I forgot to check what is actually posted :)