I have in the config file this lines
'application' => [
'appDir' => APP_PATH . '/',
'controllersDir' => APP_PATH . '/controllers/',
'modelsDir' => APP_PATH . '/models/',
'migrationsDir' => APP_PATH . '/migrations/',
'viewsDir' => APP_PATH . '/views/',
'pluginsDir' => APP_PATH . '/plugins/',
'libraryDir' => APP_PATH . '/library/',
'logsDir' => BASE_PATH . '/logs/',
'cacheDir' => BASE_PATH . '/cache/',
public function LogErro( $dData, $sHora, $sMetodo, $sLog )
$sPasta = __DIR__ .'../../../logs'; --> i am using this now, but i want use the applicattion configuration, to make configurable
// Apagamos o cache do php
// Se não existe a pasta log a criamos como 777
if ( !file_exists( $sPasta ) )
if ( !mkdir( $sPasta, 0777 ) )
$aErro = error_get_last();
throw new \Exception( $aErro['message'], 7000 );
file_put_contents( $sPasta . '/' . $sMetodo . '_'. $dData .'_' . str_replace( ':', '_', $sHora ) . '_ERRO.log', $sLog );
} catch( \Exception $e ) {
// Gravo erro de execução do log
file_put_contents( $sPasta . '/erro_base_' . $sMetodo . '_'. $dData .'_' . str_replace( ':', '_', $sHora ) . '_ERRO.log', $e->getCode() . ' ==> ' . $e->getMessage());
I want to use the 'logsDir' inside my component, to save logs with especific format.
How i reference the aplicattion or reference the DI inside the component ?