Hello, I'm knew to coding in php and need some help cause I can't fix the problem.
I'm trying to read the httpd-vhosts.conf and compare some entries with the table vhosts in my db tst_vhost. If I a find an entry I'll do nothing, if the entry doesn't already exist I want to insert a new entry. so far so good, the list works fine but the search within the db makes problems. the connection to the db is saved in a file named j_conn.inc.php and contains the following code:
// Zugangsdaten zur Datenbank
$DB_HOST = "localhost"; // Host-Adresse
$DB_NAME = "tst_vhost"; // Datenbankname
$DB_BENUTZER = "root"; // Benutzername
$DB_PASSWORT = ""; // Passwort
// Zeichenkodierung UTF-8 bei der Verbindung setzen (Optional)
// Infos: www.webbausteine.de/tipps/schriftzeichen_richtig_darstellen.php
try {
// Verbindung zur Datenbank aufbauen
$verbindung = new PDO("mysql:host=" . $DB_HOST . ";dbname=" . $DB_NAME,
catch (PDOException $e) {
// Bei einer fehlerhaften Verbindung eine Nachricht ausgeben
exit("Verbindung fehlgeschlagen! " . $e->getMessage());
The code to search for looks like:
$server_dir = "../../";
$configurationFile = '../../wampmanager.conf';
$ar_info = array();
$ar_info['Info'] = "";
$ar_info['DocRoot'] = "";
$ar_info['ServerName'] = "";
$ar_info['ServerAlias'] = "";
require $server_dir.'scripts/wampserver.lib.php';
require "includes/j_conn.inc.php";
// Loading Wampserver configuration
$wampConf = @parse_ini_file($configurationFile);
$c_apacheVersionDir = $wampConf['installDir'].'/bin/apache';
$c_apacheVhostConfFile = $c_apacheVersionDir.'/apache'.$wampConf['apacheVersion'].'/'.$wampConf['apacheConfDir'].'/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf';
$pageContents = <<<MPAGE
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<link id="stylecall" rel="stylesheet" href="wampthemes/classic/style.css" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="index.php?img=favicon" type="image/ico" />
echo '<p>Die Datei httpd-vhost.conf unter ' . $c_apacheVhostConfFile . ' wird ausgelesen und mit der Datenbank ' . $DB_NAME . ' abgeglichen. Sind in der DB Datensätze nicht vorhanden, werden diese übernommen und können danach bearbeitet bzw. ergänzt werden</br></p>';
// Datei zeilenweise auslesen PHP 7
$file = fopen($c_apacheVhostConfFile, 'r');
if ($file) {
while(!feof($file)) {
$line = fgets($file);
// Zeile nach Informationen durchsuchen
$pos = strpos($line, "Info: ");
if ($pos > 0 ) {
$l = strlen($line);
// echo $pos . " - " . $line . ' - Zeilenlänge: ' . $l . ' Zeichen<br>';
$ar_info['Info'] = substr($line, $pos+6, $l - ($pos + 8));
// echo $ar_info['Info'] . '<br>';
if (!empty($ar_info['Info'])) {
$pos = strpos($line, "DocumentRoot");
if ($pos > 0) {
$l = strlen($line);
$ar_info['DocRoot'] = substr($line, $pos+13, $l - ($pos + 13));
// echo $ar_info['DocRoot'] . '<br>';
$pos = strpos($line, "ServerName");
if ($pos > 0) {
$l = strlen($line);
$ar_info['ServerName'] = substr($line, $pos+11, $l - ($pos + 11));
// echo $ar_info['ServerName'] . '<br>';
$pos = strpos($line, "ServerAlias");
if ($pos >0) {
$l = strlen($line);
$ar_info['ServerAlias'] = substr($line, $pos+12, $l - ($pos + 12));
// echo $ar_info['ServerAlias'] . '<br>';
if (!empty($ar_info['ServerAlias'])) {
echo 'Info: ' . $ar_info['Info'] . ' - DocumentRoot: ' . $ar_info['DocRoot'] . ' - ServerName: ' . $ar_info['ServerName'] . ' - ServerAlias: ' . $ar_info['ServerAlias'] . '<br>';
// In der DB nachsehen, ob es schon einen entsprechenden Datensatz gibt
$suchbegriff = trim($ar_info['ServerName']);
echo "<p>Gesucht wird nach: <b>$suchbegriff</b></p>";
$suche_nach = '%'.$suchbegriff.'%';
$suche = $verbindung->prepare("SELECT v_id, v_info, v_root, v_server, v_alias, v_icon_title, v_icon_path, v_create, v_change, v_dev
FROM vhosts
WHERE v_server LIKE ? OR v_alias LIKE ? OR v_info LIKE ?");
$suche->bindParam('s', $suche_nach);
$suche->bind_result($v_id, $v_info, $v_root, $v_server, $v_alias, $v_icon_title, $v_icon_path, $v_create, $v_change, $v_dev);
while ($suche->fetch()) {
$daten[] = (object) array('v_id' => $v_id,
'v_info' => $v_info,
'v_root' => $v_root,
'v_server' => $v_server,
'v_alias' => $v_alias,
'v_icon_title' => $v_icon_title,
'v_icon_path' => $v_icon_path,
'v_create' => $v_create,
'v_change' => $v_change,
'v_dev' => $v_dev);
echo count($daten);
//echo 'Suche nach: ' . $ar_info['ServerName'] . ' findet ' . $daten[];
if (empty($sql)){
$statement = $verbindung->prepare("INSERT INTO `vhosts` (`v_info`, `v_root`,`v_server`,`v_alias`) VALUES (:Info, :DocRoot, :ServerName, :ServerAlias)");
$ar_info['Info'] = "";
$ar_info['DocRoot'] = "";
$ar_info['ServerName'] = "";
$ar_info['ServerAlias'] = "";
} else {
echo 'The file '.$c_apacheVhostConfFile.' could not be opened for reading';
Hope someone can point me to the error and how to resolve it.
Best regards Franz-Georg