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Warning: Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt\Compiler

Warning: Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt\Compiler::compileFile(/tmp/c%%%%wamp64%%www%%bizzboard-v2%%app%%views%%user%%login.volt.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\wamp64\www\bizzboard-v2\public\index.php on line 31
Call Stack
#   Time    Memory  Function    Location
1   0.0000  404280  {main}( )   ...\index.php:0
2   0.0005  429624  handle ( )  ...\index.php:31
3   0.0219  645800  render ( )  ...\index.php:31
4   0.0219  649696  _engineRender ( )   ...\index.php:31
5   0.0220  650760  render ( )  ...\index.php:31
6   0.0220  651200  compile ( ) ...\index.php:31
7   0.0220  652176  compileFile ( ) ...\index.php:31
Volt directory can't be written
#0 [internal function]: Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt\Compiler->compileFile('C:\\wamp64\\www\\b...', '/tmp/c%%%%wamp6...', false)
#1 [internal function]: Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt\Compiler->compile('C:\\wamp64\\www\\b...')
#2 [internal function]: Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt->render('C:\\wamp64\\www\\b...', Array, true)
#3 [internal function]: Phalcon\Mvc\View->_engineRender(Array, 'user/login', true, true, NULL)
#4 [internal function]: Phalcon\Mvc\View->render('user', 'login')
#5 C:\wamp64\www\bizzboard-v2\public\index.php(31): Phalcon\Mvc\Application->handle()
#6 {main}

Could someone maby point me to a direction I have to be looking for like for database or docker or phalcon etc.


Make sure the path to the template is correct. The first error is saying the volt file isn't found.

There's another error in there that says the volt directory can't be written to. Make sure the directory you've set as your "compiled" directory, can be written to by the web server's user.

edited Dec '18

dylan it was the /tmp/ at the first link when I removed the /after it worked thanks for helping