Hey there,
I am currently implementing a solution that supports soft-deletes using the native behavior yet also supports a Uniqueness validator that does not return false for soft-deleted rows.
Currently, my replacement validator looks like this:
class Uniqueness extends Validator implements ValidatorInterface
* @param \Phalcon\Mvc\ModelInterface $record
* @return bool
public function validate($record)
$field = $this->getOption('field');
$value = $record->readAttribute($field);
* Don't validate this on UPDATE operations
* @todo Implement some check for UPDATE, too, as this could lead to duplicates after edits.
if ($record->getOperationMade() != 2) {
if ($record->count(
'conditions' => $field . ' = ?1 AND deleted = ' . Model::NOT_DELETED,
'bind' => [1 => $value]
) >= 1
) {
$this->appendMessage($this->getOption('message'), $field);
return false;
return true;
However, I do not know how to change my current dirty-hack (check operationMade) for UPDATE to allow soft-deleting existing records that would trigger a "...already exists" otherwise. Is there a way to see if the soft-delete behavior is invoked?
Thanks in advance!
Best, Philipp