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Plural in NativeArray?

Is it possible in some near (or far, irrelevant) future?


Do you have in mind some suggested syntax?

edited Apr '14

Here are my thoughts (before this, I did not face, so only thoughts =)):

Translation file:

$messages = array (
'text_hello' => 'Hello, this is text',
'%apple% apple' => array('%apple% apple', '%apple% apples', '%apple% apples')

PHP code:

* public function query($index, $placeholders=null, $isPlural=false){ }

$translate = new \Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray(array(
                "content" => $messages

echo $translate->query('%apple% apple', array('apple'=>3), true);

Look at plural of ZF style - https://github.com/zendframework/zf1/blob/master/library/Zend/Translate/Plural.php . Maybe we must have a function that will set this condition, for example:

$translate = new \Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArray(array(
                "content" => $messages,
                "plural" => function($number){
                       return (($number % 10 == 1) && ($number % 100 != 11)) ? 0 : ((($number % 10 >= 2) && ($number % 10 <= 4) && (($number % 100 < 10) || ($number % 100 >= 20))) ? 1 : 2); // this returns plural ID (plural_1, plural_2, etc)

P.S. Btw, i think that sprintf style of placeholders is better (just example for placeholders, don't think about plural):

echo $translate->query('I have %s apple %d hours ago', 3, 15); 


Ivan, could you please open an NFR on Github with this?

What about intl and MessageFormat? Plurals are handled based on a message and locale, so we retain a single translation method. Re Locale there were talks regarding integrating intl with Phalcon.