Hi, if you want to use webpack with ManifestPlugin : \Library\Assets.php

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: pedrocosta
 * Date: 2019-03-27
 * Time: 10:27
namespace Library;

use Phalcon\Assets\Manager;

class Assets extends Manager
    protected $_map = [];

    public function addCss(string $path, $local = NULL, $filter = NULL, $attributes = NULL): Manager {
        return parent::addCss($this->transformName($path), $local, $filter, $attributes);

    public function addJs(string $path, $local = NULL, $filter = NULL, $attributes = NULL): Manager{
        return parent::addJs($this->transformName($path), $local, $filter, $attributes);

    public function setNamesMap(array $map){
        $this->_map  = $map;

    public function transformName($name){
        return isset($this->_map[$name]) ? $this->_map[$name] : $name;

    public function collection(string $name): \Phalcon\Assets\Collection{
            return $this->collections[$name];
        return  $this->collections[$name] = new Collection($name);


namespace Library\Assets;

use Library\Assets;
use Phalcon\Assets\Manager;
class Collection extends \Phalcon\Assets\Collection{

    public function addCss(string $path, $local = NULL, $filter = TRUE, $attributes = NULL): \Phalcon\Assets\Collection {
        return parent::addCss(Assets::transformName($path), $local, $filter, $attributes);

    public function addJs(string $path, $local = NULL, $filter = TRUE, $attributes = NULL): \Phalcon\Assets\Collection{
        return parent::addJs(Assets::transformName($path), $local, $filter, $attributes);


in your services.php

use Library\Assets;
$di->setShared('assets', function () use ($di){
    $assets = new Assets();

        $di->get("assets")->setNamesMap(json_decode(file_get_contents('path/to/assetsMap.json'), true));

    return $assets;