I have a jsrender template in my view which volt is currently trying to compile and obviously fails doing so. After some googling I'm very suprised/shocked to see that Volt apparently has no "literal" or "verbatim" block to just output raw content.
I found a function to add my own function to the compiler, but that doesn't support to add custom blocks (ie: {% literal %}{% endliteral %}).
How can I properly have this code in my view without applying a lot of ugly hacks? Or how can I add the literal-block myself to the compiler?
This is the piece of code that's giving errors right now, and I have quite a few other views which will have errors too.
<script id="uploaded-item-template" type="text/x-jsrender">
<li data-uploadid="{{:id}}">
<div class="uploaded-item">
<p><div class="uk-badge {{:labelclass}}">{{:label}}</div> <strong>{{:title}}</strong></p>
<div class="uk-progress {{:progressbarclass}}">
<div class="uk-progress-bar" style="width: 100%;">{{:progressbartext}}</div>