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My validators are not working

I have created 5 validators classes in my project they are running well in my localhost with wampserver, but they are not running in my VPS hosting with godaddy under CentOS 6.9. I do not have any error message in the server logs.


namespace base;

use Phalcon\Validation as validador; use Phalcon\Validation\Message; use Phalcon\Validation\Validator; use Phalcon\Validation\ValidatorInterface;

class ValidaUserValidator extends Validator implements ValidatorInterface {

 * @param  Validation $validator
 * @param  string $attribute
 * @return boolean
public function validate($validator, $attribute) {
    //obtain the name of the field 
    $elcorreo = $this->getOption("correo");

    //obtain field value
    $elcorreo_value = $validator->getValue($elcorreo);

    // obtain the input field value
    $elpassword = $validator->getValue($attribute);

    //try to obtain message defined in a validator
    $message = $this->getOption('message');

    //check if the value is valid
    $user = Users::findFirst(array(
                "(email = :email: OR username = :email:) AND password = :password: AND active = 'Y'",
                'bind' => array('email' => $elcorreo_value, 'password' => sha1($elpassword))
    if (!$user) {
        $message = 'NO estan registrados en nuestra base de datos el correo o la palabra clave - Vuelva ha intentarlo';
        $validator->appendMessage(new Message($message, $attribute, 'usuario'));
    if (count($validator->getMessages())) {
        return false;
    return true;

} This is one of my validators.


use Phalcon\Forms\Form; use Phalcon\Forms\Element\Password; use Phalcon\Forms\Element\Text; use Phalcon\Validation\Validator\PresenceOf; use Phalcon\Validation\Validator\Email; use \base\ValidaUserValidator;

class SessionForm extends Form {

public function initialize() {

    $email = new Text("email");
    $email->setLabel("Correo Electronico");
    $email->setFilters(array('striptags', 'string'));
        new PresenceOf(array(
            'message' => 'No ha ingresado la direccion de correo'
        new Email(array(
            'message' => 'debe ingresar una direccion de correo valida'

    $password = new Password("password");
        new PresenceOf(array(
            'message' => 'Debe ingresar una palabra clave'
        new ValidaUserValidator(array(
            'correo' => 'email',
            'message' => 'El Email o el password no han sido registrados vuelva ha intentarlo'


public function messages($nombre) {
    if ($this->hasMessagesFor($nombre)) {
        foreach ($this->getMessagesFor($nombre) as $mensaje) {

} This is the form that I am using with the validator. One again it is running perfectly in my wampserver environment. But they are not running in my VPS hosting with godaddy


what versions are you running?

http:\auroraec.online is the website. Just in case you can use the "Contacto" tab and send me a message, but you can not use the Login/Registrarse tab. Any ideas? I will appreciate your help. Thank you to all of you Phalconers.

I am running phalcon 3.4.2, php 7.2.20, apache 2.4 in my VPS CentOS 6.9 I am running apache 2.4.35 php 7.2.10 phalcon 3.4.0 in my wampserver Windows 10

what versions are you running?


can you try to run 3.4.2 on your wamp to see if you have the same problem?

edited Jul '19

I installed phalcon 3.4.3 in my wampserver. Everything is running well and smoothly.

can you try to run 3.4.2 on your wamp to see if you have the same problem?

edited Jul '19

Try enabling error reporting for php on your server. The obvious reason would be a file not found because of case sensitivity.

I got this message

Fatal error: Declaration of base\ValidaUserValidator::validate($validator, $attribute) must be compatible with Phalcon\Validation\Validator::validate(Phalcon\Validation $validation, $attribute) in /home/ecuadoraurora/public_html/app/library/base/ValidaUserValidator.php on line 10

Would you please help me to fix it? Thank you in advance.

Try enabling error reporting for php on your server. The obvious reason would be a file not found because of case sensitivity.


Just add Phalcon\Validation in your method before $validator

public function validate(Phalcon\Validation $validator, $attribute) {

You need to declarate the type like above. See also https://www.php.net/manual/en/functions.arguments.php#functions.arguments.type-declaration I think there is some version issue also. I'm expecting that should see this locally also.

Thank you, I made the change and now is running smoothly.

public function validate(Phalcon\Validation $validator, $attribute) {

You need to declarate the type like above. See also https://www.php.net/manual/en/functions.arguments.php#functions.arguments.type-declaration I think there is some version issue also. I'm expecting that should see this locally also.

Just add Phalcon\Validation in your method before $validator Thanks

edited Nov '20

Also i suppose you were already including this thread. As i was offering some thing else, it truly seems like which you have on apps greater data that you do not need to go back, perhaps just move name and pid to different model likehttps://forum.phalcon.io/discussion/20082/phalcon-micro-swoole-http-server AppsInfo or something like this? Or AppsStatus due to the fact you have got pid