Hi there,
My company website is using Phalcon 3.4.5 to develop.
I have a payment page, when customer click Place order, it goes to another payment gateway website and comes back after done. The payment website will post a result form to my result page that I provide URL before.
When the payment website send a post back to my website. Phalcon regenerates new session file which is empty and all order, login sessions are gone. In this new session file, I do another payment again and this time NO session file is generated.
I tried to use method setId() to get old session before go to payment website but the issues still happens.
public function paymentresultAction(){
$msgPrefix = "PAYMENT RESULT: ";
$ssId = $this->request->getQuery("ssID");
logger($msgPrefix."SESSION ID= ".$ssId, 0);
logger($msgPrefix."LOGIN SESSION = ".$this->session->has('ss-user-login'), 0);
Does anyone have ideas for that?
Thank for any suggestion.