I have for example the following model:
class Articles extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Model
* @var integer
public $id;
* @var string
public $languagekey;
* @var integer
public $iconid;
* @var integer
public $publishid;
* @var string
public $pagetitle;
* @var string
public $listtitle;
* @var string
public $listdescription;
* @var string
public $content;
* @var string
public $seotitle;
* @var string
public $seodescription;
* @var string
public $seokeywords;
* @var string
public $websitetitle;
* @var string
public $websiteurl;
* @var string
public $filename;
* @var integer
public $ordernumber;
* @var string
public $adddate;
* @var string
public $modifydate;
* @var string
public $publishdate;
* @var string
public $expiredate;
This model works fine. For my website I use this model in many controllers, and I have to tho something like this several times:
$article=Articles::findFirst(array("id = '12'", "languagekey = 'en'", "publishdate < date('Y-m-d')", "expiredate > date('Y-m-d')"));
My question:
Is there an option to preselect some fields, so I only need to use this
and that (in this example) the languagekey, publishdate and expiredate are automatically selected with the right conditions.