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Two different themes for admin and front side of site

Hi All,

How I can install and use two themes - one for administrator:


and one end user (store front):

for https://themeforest.net/item/dmart-clean-and-responsive-drupal-commerce-theme/full_screen_preview/4881703

How I can make directory structure for Phalcon FW?

With best regards, Alex

edited May '14

Use the dev tools to make a multi module site, and then you use one module for the store front, and one for the admin. Each can then be completely separate from the other.

You can find more info about multi module sites here:



Thank you very much for you support problem only one. How correctly devide public folder?

For example

public/theme1 public/theme1/css public/theme1/img public/theme1/js public/theme2 public/theme2/css public/theme2/img public/theme2/js


public/css1 public/img1 public/js1 public/css2 public/img2 public/js2


With best regards, Alex

hi, how you solved?