i'm a chinese user,install phalcon 2.0 beta1 on a vps,run on CentOS 6.2 64bit it's display error message like this while install it:
/usr/local/src/phpext/cphalcon/ext/phalcon/crypt.zep.c: 在函数‘zim_Phalcon_Crypt_decrypt’中:
/usr/local/src/phpext/cphalcon/ext/phalcon/crypt.zep.c:423: 错误:用‘zval’初始化‘struct zval *’时类型不兼容
/usr/local/src/phpext/cphalcon/ext/phalcon/crypt.zep.c:429: 错误:用‘zval’初始化‘struct zval *’时类型不兼容
make: *** [phalcon/crypt.lo] 错误 1
the codes of the file crypt.zep.c at 423 line:
ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_9, "substr", &_10, text, _0);
the codes of the file crypt.zep.c at 429 line:
ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_12, "substr", &_10, text, &_11, _1);
how can i fix it? thx.