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Many-to-Many relation issues with aliasing

I have 3 models, Product, ProductAttribute, and Attribute. When I try to do:

    public function getLockedAttributes(Model $product)
        return $product->getAttributes([
            'locked = :lock:',
            'bind' => ['lock' => Attribute::LOCKED]

I get the error that locked does not belong to any models. But it belongs to the Attribute model.

Column 'locked' doesn't belong to any of the selected models (2), when preparing: SELECT [\Greatmedia\Models\V1\Attribute].* FROM [\Greatmedia\Models\V1\Attribute] INNER JOIN [\Greatmedia\Models\V1\ProductAttribute] ON [\Greatmedia\Models\V1\ProductAttribute].[attribute_id] = [\Greatmedia\Models\V1\Attribute].[id] WHERE [\Greatmedia\Models\V1\ProductAttribute].[product_id] = ?0 AND locked = :lock:

Attribute model

namespace Greatmedia\Models\V1;

class Attribute extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Model
    const LOCKED = 1;

    public $id;

    public $value;

    public $label;

    public $attribute_code;

    public $locked;

    public function getSource()
        return 'attribute';

    public function initialize()
        $this->hasMany('id', '\Greatmedia\Models\V1\ProductAttribute', 'attribute_id', [
          'alias' => 'product_attribute'

Product model

namespace Greatmedia\Models\V1;

class Product extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Model
    public $id;

    public $name;

    public $price;

    public function getSource()
        return 'product';

    public function initialize()
//         $this->hasMany('id', '\Greatmedia\Models\V1\ProductAttribute', 'product_id', [
//             'alias' => 'attributes'
//         ]);

            ['alias' => 'attributes']


The meaning of that error is:

  • There's no column in the mapped table called 'locked'
  • The meta-data adapter is not the memory one and it's not reloading recently added columns to the mapped table