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Recursion in addFunction()

As I have gone through the documentation provided by Phalcon for Volt Template Engine, I found addFunction() to add custom function in Volt Compiler to customize data. But regarding n-level hierarchical menu / catalog, I need recursion in addFunction() which I am unable to make it work. Please guide me a solution for this.

That's a pretty generic question with very little detail:

Why do you need recursion? What have you tried so far? What does your code look like?

I have done this much so far . .


$compiler->addFunction( 'menu', function ($resolvedArgs, $exprArgs) { return 'Menu::menu(' . $resolvedArgs . ')'; } );


class Menu { public static function menu($data) { if (empty($data)) { return ''; }

  $out = '<ul>';
  foreach ($data as $name => $children) {
      $out .= '<li>' . $name . self::menu($children) . '</li>';
  $out .= '</ul>';
  return $out;

} }





The output is thus generated. But this way, I have to work on library file, but not a template file, each time when I have to rebuild the html structure. I am not quite satisfied with the coding practice as the tags are processed by the library here. So I want to implement a practice of building total html structures in volt template files only rather than other. Please guide me through this.