Hi. I have problem with MongoDb.
OS windows 8.
I run
php cli/cli.php app:user:user create [email protected] -p=pa55w0rd -n="Vegas User"
and have notice
←[1;33mDatabase is not being used in project←[0m
I created vegas_users collections.
This is my conf.php
define('HOSTNAME', '%%config.domain%%');
return array(
'application' => array(
'environment' => \Vegas\Constants::DEV_ENV,
'serviceDir' => APP_ROOT . '/app/services/',
'configDir' => dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,
'libraryDir' => APP_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lib/',
'pluginDir' => APP_ROOT . '/app/plugins/',
'moduleDir' => APP_ROOT . '/app/modules/',
'taskDir' => APP_ROOT . '/app/tasks/',
'baseUri' => '/',
'language' => '%%config.locale%%',
'view' => array(
'cacheDir' => APP_ROOT . '/cache/',
'layout' => 'main',
'layoutsDir' => APP_ROOT . '/app/layouts'
//'hostname' => HOSTNAME // uncomment when you are using subdomains
'mongo' => array(
'dbname' => 'vegas',
//see app/services/MongoServiceProvider.php to get more information how to setup database details
// 'db' => array(
// 'adapter' => '%%config.adapter%%',
// //see app/services/DbServiceProvider.php to get more information how to setup database details
// ),
'session' => array(
'cookie_name' => 'sid',
'cookie_lifetime' => 36*3600, //day and a half
'cookie_secure' => 0,
'cookie_httponly' => 1
'plugins' => array(
'security' => array(
'class' => 'SecurityPlugin',
'attach' => 'dispatch'
Nothing special, all by default.
And I have databas vegas, https://i.imgur.com/xvvFUUQ.png
Can You help me?