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Vegas CMF

Hi everyone :)

I want to introduce you our open source content management framework based on Phalcon: https://github.com/vegas-cmf Our goal is to create highly decoupled tool, that you can reuse as a full stack solution or as separate library with the goods tailored for your needs. We would appreciate feedback and contributions!

We are currently preparing documentation, scratches are available here: https://vegas-cmf.github.io/

Cheers! Vegas Team

Hey. Looks promising. Can't wait to see what you guys come up with. You plan on releasing some kind of a roadmap in the near future ? Good luck.

edited Jul '14

First thing first so we want to finish documentation with all possible examples and make an official release of v1.0 - we almost there :)

In really near future demo page will be launched to test CMF online. After this we want to gather some feedback and think about next steps. We already set few projects on those libs, so they are used in production environment. This will help us to find Vegas CMF flaws and plan roadmap even better. I will try to inform Phalcon community about progress in this toppic.

WoooW! Amazing!

edited Aug '14

I want to informat that the "Core" part of documentation is finished and available here: https://vegas-cmf.github.io/1.0/guide.html

Please also check: https://vegas-cmf.github.io/1.0/getting-started.html

We tried to provide complex examples for each part to make first contact with CMF easier. Enjoy!

Vegas Team

edited Aug '14

Just tried this on Windows and it's failing even after installing several dependencies required to even use vegaser.phar on the Windows machine.

GIt was already installed and added to PATH variable. pear and phing setup cURL for windows installed

php vegaser.phar build-project completed successfully upon navigating to the virtual host I'm presented with:

Service 'view' was not found in the dependency injection container#0 [internal function]: Phalcon\DI->getShared('view')

1 C:\Development\vegas-test\vendor\vegas-cmf\core\src\Application\Bootstrap.php(202): Phalcon\Mvc\Application->handle(NULL)

2 C:\Development\vegas-test\public\index.php(15): Vegas\Application\Bootstrap->run()

3 {main}

edited Aug '14

+Rewt0r, make sure that your Virtual Host name matches exactly what you entered for Project Domain when you ran Vegaser. Throw me as well.

To check this, look in /app/config/config.php. At the very top, line 3 actually, you will find a line such as this:

define('HOSTNAME', 'vegas.dev');

What you see as the second argument to the define function will be what you entered for the project domain when running Vegaser. Now, check that against your Virtual Host and make sure it matches, like so...

Apache (proposed Wamp type virtual host config)

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    DocumentRoot "c:/wamp/www/vegas.dev/public"
    <Directory  "c:/wamp/www/vegas.dev">
        AllowOverride All
        Require local
    ServerName vegas.dev
    ServerAlias www.vegas.dev
    ErrorLog "logs/vegas.dev-error.log"
    CustomLog "logs/vegas.dev-access.log" common

A Vagrant based virutal host config would/should looks something like this... (this is from a puphpet config of mine, running NGINX, but you get the idea)

            server_name: vegas.dev
                - www.vegas.dev
            www_root: /var/www/vegas/public
            listen_port: '80'
                - index.html
                - index.htm
                - index.php
                - 'APP_ENV dev'
            ssl_cert: ''
            ssl_key: ''

Notice how, in each example, I am pointing to the same "vegas.dev"? This should match what we are defining as the hostname above. Hope that helps you out.

My virtual host is setup correctly, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get that error message as I'd be presented with HTTP 500. I will check that defined constant once I'm home later...

+Rewt0r, please download vegaser once again and build new project. Now 'hostname' in config file, is not required anymore, unless you are going to use subdomains in your project. Hope this helps.

Vegas Team

Hi. I have problem with MongoDb. OS windows 8. I run

php cli/cli.php app:user:user create [email protected] -p=pa55w0rd -n="Vegas User"

and have notice

←[1;33mDatabase is not being used in project←[0m

I created vegas_users collections.

This is my conf.php


    define('HOSTNAME', '%%config.domain%%');

    return array(
    'application' => array(
        'environment'    => \Vegas\Constants::DEV_ENV,

        'serviceDir'   =>  APP_ROOT . '/app/services/',
        'configDir'     => dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,
        'libraryDir'     => APP_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lib/',
        'pluginDir'      => APP_ROOT . '/app/plugins/',
        'moduleDir'      => APP_ROOT . '/app/modules/',
        'taskDir'      => APP_ROOT . '/app/tasks/',
        'baseUri'        => '/',
        'language'       => '%%config.locale%%',
        'view'  => array(
            'cacheDir'  =>  APP_ROOT . '/cache/',
            'layout'    =>  'main',
            'layoutsDir'    =>  APP_ROOT . '/app/layouts'

        //'hostname'    =>  HOSTNAME    // uncomment when you are using subdomains

    'mongo' => array(
        'dbname' => 'vegas',
        //see app/services/MongoServiceProvider.php to get more information how to setup database details

    //    'db' => array(
       //        'adapter'  => '%%config.adapter%%',
       //        //see app/services/DbServiceProvider.php to get more information how to setup database details
      //    ),

    'session' => array(
        'cookie_name'   =>  'sid',
        'cookie_lifetime'   =>  36*3600, //day and a half
        'cookie_secure' => 0,
        'cookie_httponly' => 1

    'plugins' => array(
        'security' => array(
            'class' => 'SecurityPlugin',
            'attach' => 'dispatch'

Nothing special, all by default.

And I have databas vegas, https://i.imgur.com/xvvFUUQ.png

Can You help me?

edited Dec '14

And one more question.

Does Vegas cmf work with multi language ?


Yes Vegas CMF can be used to multilang projects but how it will work it's up to your implementation. We are using gettext adapter for i18n strings and our forms don't have problems with arrayed values and names, so you can setup form for you localized article with fields names like content[en], content[es] etc.

About your issue - I will keep you posted here: https://github.com/vegas-cmf/vegaser/issues/1