I am trying to generate models with DevTools for my already existing db structure. I have a db called postgre and it has 2 schemas - the default one called public and another one called coiny. The coiny schema contains 5 tables with their foreign keys.
My config.php contents:
return new \Phalcon\Config(array(
'database' => array(
'adapter' => 'Postgresql',
'host' => 'localhost',
'port' => '5432',
'username' => 'postgres',
'password' => '*********',
'dbname' => 'postgres',
'schema' => 'coiny',
'application' => array(
'controllersDir'=> __DIR__ . '/../../app/controllers/',
'modelsDir' => __DIR__ . '/../../app/models/',
'viewsDir' => __DIR__ . '/../../app/views/',
'pluginsDir' => __DIR__ . '/../../app/plugins/',
'libraryDir' => __DIR__ . '/../../app/library/',
'cacheDir' => __DIR__ . '/../../app/cache/',
'baseUri' => '/coiny/',
My services.php has:
use Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Postgresql as DbAdapter;
$di->setShared('db', function () use ($config) {
return new DbAdapter(array(
'host' => $config->database->host,
'port' => $config->database->port,
'username' => $config->database->username,
'password' => $config->database->password,
'dbname' => $config->database->dbname,
'schema' => $config->database->schema,
When I try to generate models from the DT GUI I only get this screen:
I've tried also to use the command line, still there was no result. No output or error was presented after executing
phalcon.bat model --schema=coiny --get-set --name=participants
I am using a Win7 x64 with Bitnami WAPP Statck 5.515'0 Dev and the Phalcon 1.3.2 x86 extension
I will highly appreciate any comments and suggestions in order to solve this.