I've been using Phalcon for a while and I love it! Just recently, I wanted to put stuff on our completely clean staging environment (this is a new project), and everthing worked well, except for one thing: Phalcon appears to be unable to find the Volt-files for the Controller/Action. I store the view files in folders with the controller name and then with the actionname.volt as the file name. Therethrough, I use the implicit method of finding and rendering specific pages.
Everything works perfect locally, but on the staging / production servers, no content is returned from those files.
- Phalcon successfully renders index.volt (and partials inside) from the Views-directory
- There are no errors (full error reporting and Apache-access available)
$this->getContent() in the compiled file returns only an empty string.
- Server runs Ubuntu, locally, I run Mac OSX.
I don't even know where to look for errors. Why doesn't Phalcon find the action view files?
Thanks for your time, hope I made sense.
Best regards, dimhoLt