Dear, thanks for this project, it help me a lot.
But i have a question, in my project , i use Security plugin for acl, the dispatcher i use as follows:
in public/index.php
$di->set('dispatcher', function() use ($di) {
$eventsManager = $di->getShared('eventsManager');
$security = new Security($di);
* We listen for events in the dispatcher using the Security plugin
$eventsManager->attach('dispatch', $security);
$dispatcher = new Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher();
return $dispatcher;
in Security.php
public function beforeDispatch(Event $event, Dispatcher $dispatcher) {
$auth = $this->session->get('auth');
if (!$auth){
$role = 'Guests';
} else {
$role = 'Users';
$controller = $dispatcher->getControllerName();
$action = $dispatcher->getActionName();
$acl = $this->getAcl();
$allowed = $acl->isAllowed($role, $controller, $action);
if ($allowed != Acl::ALLOW) {
// $this->flash->error("You don't have access to this module");
'controller' => 'index',
'action' => 'index'
return false;
but it did not show the menu and views, and it returned " 500, Internal Server Error "
my route is: $router = new Phalcon\Mvc\Router();
$router->add("/set-language/{language:[a-z]+}", array(
'controller' => 'index',
'action' => 'setLanguage'
please help me , thanks!