Using DevTools there is the command: phalcon create-all-models
The parameters are:
protected $_possibleParameters = array(
'config=s' => "Configuration file ",
'models=s' => "Models directory ",
'schema=s' => "Name of the schema. [optional]",
'namespace=s' => "Model's namespace [optional]",
'extends=s' => "Models extends [optional]",
'force' => "Force script to rewrite all the models. ",
'get-set' => "Attributes will be protected and have setters/getters. ",
'doc' => "Helps to improve code completion on IDEs ",
'relations' => "Possible relations defined according to convention. ",
'fk' => "Define any virtual foreign keys. ",
'validations' => "Define possible domain validation according to conventions. ",
'directory=s' => "Base path on which project will be created",