I want to require more than one pages on my view. Is there any other way in phalcon to include those pages
Have you had a read of the Views Documentation @ https://docs.phalcon.io/en/latest/reference/views.html ?
I'm not quite sure what your end goal is, but it sounds like you could be after 'partials' https://docs.phalcon.io/en/latest/reference/views.html#using-partials
<?php $this->partial("shared/ad_banner") ?> What is shared and ad_banner is shared a folder in a layout and ad_banner is a php file which we want to requre
$urlVariables = explode("/",$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); print_r($urlVariables);
Not working in phalcon
$urlVariables = explode("/",$SERVER['REQUESTURI']); print_r($urlVariables);