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how to add custom route

My Custom Routes are

$defaultModule = ucfirst($registry->defaultModule);
$router = new \Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Annotations(true);

            $router->add('/:module/:controller/:action/:params', [
                'module' => 1,
                'controller' => 2,
                'action' => 3,

            $router->add('/:module/:controller/:action', [
                'module' => 1,
                'controller' => 2,
                'action' => 3

$router->add('/:controller/:action', [
    'controller' => 1,
    'action' => 2

$router->add('/:controller', [
    'controller' => 1

$router->add('/', [
    'module' => ucfirst($defaultModule),
    'controller' => 'index',
    'action' => 'index'

    'module' => $defaultModule,
    'namespace' => ucfirst($defaultModule).'\Controllers',
    'controller' => 'Error',
    'action' => 'show404'

when I make a request to Module2/Controller/Action redirect to no page found After analyse try to print the eventmanager and saw namespace of default module i.e Module1/Controllers

How to resolve it ??



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